Corinne Brecher

Investment Coach

Corinne is Investment Coach of Marmot Finance and has over 10 years’ experience in wealth management strategy and advisory.

She focuses on wealth management, including investment strategies and entrepreneurial direct investments in asset classes such as real estate and private equity.

Corinne studied business administration and worked during and after her studies for many renowned international companies. She worked as a client advisor at UBS in the Wealth Management department, in the Merger & Acquisition department of a well-known law firm and last but not least, with the financial group of the Inter IKEA Group.

Since 2017 she focuses on advising women who are looking for new investment opportunities as well as inspiration in terms of investment advice and who need female support on their way.

In March 2020 Corinne founded her own company Investique in order to be able to fully concentrate on her mission: financial independence for women.

In addition to her role as financial advisor, Corinne maintains her own financial blog and regularly provides free Webinars on the subject of investing for women. In addition, she is a member of various associations that accompany women on their entrepreneurial path.

In her leisure time Corinne enjoys nature, soccer matches and loves spending time with her family.

Corinne Brecher

Investment Coach

Corinne is Investment Coach of Marmot Finance and has over 10 years’ experience in wealth management strategy and advisory.

She focuses on wealth management, including investment strategies and entrepreneurial direct investments in asset classes such as real estate and private equity.

Corinne studied business administration and worked during and after her studies for many renowned international companies. She worked as a client advisor at UBS in the Wealth Management department, in the Merger & Acquisition department of a well-known law firm and last but not least, with the financial group of the Inter IKEA Group.

Since 2017 she focuses on advising women who are looking for new investment opportunities as well as inspiration in terms of investment advice and who need female support on their way.

In March 2020 Corinne founded her own company Investique in order to be able to fully concentrate on her mission: financial independence for women.

In addition to her role as financial advisor, Corinne maintains her own financial blog and regularly provides free Webinars on the subject of investing for women. In addition, she is a member of various associations that accompany women on their entrepreneurial path.

In her leisure time Corinne enjoys nature, soccer matches and loves spending time with her family.